is a compilation of components for generating Cartesian X/Y-plots from scientific and financial data. It is available as VCL component package for Borland and CodeGear Delphi and C++ compilers and as .net Assembly for the Winforms framework of Microsoft® Visual Studio®.
It supports a large variety of axis scaling types, series, calculated line legends, movable markers, etc., and thus gives you a tool for generating scientific and financial graphing programs easily, while retaining numerous options for tailoring the end product to the requirements of you and your customers.
Plots as easy as creating arrays
Fully working program within a few minutes see example(with CodeGear VCL)
From online data acquisition graphing to stock charting applications
Unlimited number of secondary axis
Lines, point symbols, error indicators, arrows, bars, bubbles, OHLC (western plot), candle stick
Linear and non linear regression, interpolation, differential, integral
Auto updating, auto scaling, auto zooming
Legends, movable markers, automatic calculation results in labels
Editors with enhanced options, color and style selectors with unique PropertyLinks
Set properties without writing a line of code (VCL Version only)
Pie Chart
Point Symbols, Interpolation, Differential, Integral, Legend, secondary Axis
Bars with captions
Candle Sticks, Date&Time Scaling
Moving Average
Transparency supported (Alpa RGB Colors)
Gas Chromatography Example
Seconds Scaling for Time
Origin at (0, 0), Axes with arrow ends